Managed to finish off 2 regiments of Hesse Darmstadt infantry to add to Marchand's Division for Lutzen. These figures were left overs from the laborious French line infantry re-do last year so these had been painted poorly as French line infantry so it made sense to paint them as something else...just something a little more interesting. Did take longer than expected. Two battalions (yellow facings) feature Hagen grenadiers and voltigeurs, which fit perfectly with the Art Miniaturen figures alongside.
I think the 2nd battalions had flags as well, but I have decided
to leave them out, opting for just one flag per regiment. |
The foot artillery figures have also been done but with red epaulettes which is incorrect but the only figures I have, have epaulettes, so hey ho. I'll either use French or Austrian guns as I appear to have run out of Prussian Art M guns. The limber will be Prussian. The guns and limber will be pale blue/grey. The riders (just visible) are the Art M Austrian riders with funny hats.
The Baden infantry in this Division will have to be made up from my existing Bavarians as I do not possess any Baden figures.
Hagen grenadiers and voltigeurs, to the left and right. |